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IBS Symptoms and Treatment

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is one of the common disorders diagnosed by doctors in the US and across the world today. It is a condition that can develop in any person at any age but is more common in women between the age of 15 and 40.


According to the NIH, one in every five Americans experience symptoms of IBS, but the number could be higher due to the many un-diagnosed cases. A vast majority of people will not admit that they are experiencing problems with their digestive tract. Most people are a little embarrassed to about whether or not their bodies are having trouble digesting food or if they have moved their bowels on a particular day. It is worth noting that the gut is key to achieving overall health. As such, every adult should be able to spot symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and establish whether something is out of balance in their digestive symptom.


Sometimes, it can be hard to know whether you are experiencing the onset of irritable bowel syndrome or you just ate something that did not agree with your stomach. IBS symptoms need to be properly diagnosed so that the patient can get appropriate treatment at


IBS is a non-inflammatory disease of the digestive system characterized by abdominal pain, recurring cramping, altered bowel habits consisting of constipation, nausea, diarrhea or both, and bloating. While this condition does not harm the colon permanently; it can be quite embarrassing and disabling when the person suffering isn't able to handle their daily activities and tasks properly.


Though health experts are uncertain about the actual causes of irritable bowel syndrome, research indicates that those who suffer from IBS may have large intestines that are particularly to certain foods or stress. Irritable bowel syndrome can also occur due to other illnesses.  Check out to gain more info about IBS.


However, being diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome is not all bad news. Today, people with IBS can find effective relief. The tricky part about finding the best treatment at for you is that you will need to first identify what is causing the irritable bowel syndrome. In most cases of IBS, your doctor is likely to recommend that you watch what you eat to alleviate the bloating, gas or diarrhea. In more severe cases, dietary supplements and antidepressant medications may be suggested.


The IBS relief from Accord is one of the most effective solutions for this condition. The product contains the probiotics and other nutrients i that help keep your digestive system running smoothly.


Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome tend to differ from one individual to another. If taken everyday over time, this IBS relief reduces bloating, abdominal discomfort, gas, cramping, and relieve stress.

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